Cap of Rowan Calmer in black, knit on size 5 double points. Actually, the ribbing and a few inches of the body were done; I just finished the body and did the decreases on the trip. The cap is for a friend on MrV's in Mexico who has cancer and has shaved his head, hence the cotton yarn. (For the record, it isn't a chemocap. MrV was very specific about that. Not A Chemocap, got it?)
We stayed and visited for about half a thrummed mitten:
plus time spent eating, going to a Christmas show , eating, opening gifts, snacking, playing games, grazing, etc.
Then we came home, a trip that took the rest of the mitten and on into the next one.
Now it's time to set the needles aside and send out the cards, wrap more presents, mail more presents, finish some Christmas sewing, and make some cookies.
Cards! The kids got them colored and glittered, but I may never actually send them. Maybe January? Sounds ok to me.
Weaver, your relaxed attitude towards the holidays is an inspiration to us all.
Yup, relaxed, that's me. I'm all about putting off for tomorrow what I don't want to do today :)
I forgot to mention yesterday that the hat looks great. I knit my first in the round hat at the airport waiting to fly to Boston. It's kinda short but Brewer loves it for inside all the cold buildings at work.
The mittens look great too!
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