19 November 2005

This week in Food News

The kids have decided to learn to cook. Our text is Rachel Ray's Cooking Rock's! 30-minute Meals for Kids. VKid2 made the Italian Alphabet soup with Cheesy Dippers one evening. The next night VKid1 tried her hand at the Meatloaf Muffins (which, frankly, suffer from Rachel Ray's obsession with Montreal Steak Seasoning by McCormick), smashed potatoes and cream cheese (we peeled the potatoes and left out the chives) and peas. Overall, the meals were successes.

As for me, I tried a new soup out of MY new cookbook, Simply in Season: the turkey-barley soup in the winter section. It was voted a success.

Coincidentally, the library had a food-related storytime this week. The kids made chef's hats out of card stock and tissue paper. And I checked out one of Emeril's cookbooks for kids.

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