05 October 2006

I Don't Know if I'm One in a Million, but I'm Definitely One in 2007

Yes, I have signed up to participate inthe Dulaan Project . I emailed in to Ryan at Mossy Cottage Knits that I would provide 5 warm, cozy items for kids in Mongolia by next July. (Please note that for some reason I am able to link to Mossy Cottage Knits tonight. Sorry.) If you haven't heard about it yet, take the time to read the flyer I've linked. Or, for that matter, just google a phrase like "kids and Mongolia" to learn about the struggle to survive.

This is going to be a family affair. It's going to be a homeschool affair, too.

Two of the 5 items will be No-Sew Fleece Blankets. The kids have made these blankets before; one of the VBSes they attended this summer made them and shipped them to Mexico. And the kids also made No-Sew Fleece Pillows for MrV and Grandpa (out of Old Gold and Black of course). So, they've plenty of experience in the No-Sew Fleece department. We plan to go to JoAnn Fabrics sometime from Oct. 7-9, to check out the 72inch No-Sew Fleece Throw kits they have on sale for $13.99. But we might simply buy some fleece on sale, either this weekend or some future weekend.

And the other three items ... well, who knows. I'll be knitting those. I'm thinking about making a pair of socks (since I've also joined Socktoberfest). And a vest or sweater. And, well, something else that I'll think of later.

As a bonus, I think this would be an excellent time to learn more about Mongolia in our homeschooling. I'm trying to put together links and resources for that. Didn't we go through some history of the area in Story of the World? I seem to remember it, because I thought it would be cool at the time to felt a doll-size ger; I also remeber Kid1 pleading that we re-read-aloud I Rode a Horse of Milk White Jade (we ended up doing neither, sigh).

I could also see rabbit trails of things like climate (for my weather-obsessed Kid2). What other areas have similar climate? And, of course, a rabbit trail about wool, and why it felts, and why it's so important in that type of climate. And maybe a rabbit trail about different dwellings for different cultures and climates. Oh, such possiblities.

And, of course, there's all the fun math: if 200 people have pledged to make 5 items each, how many items will be shipped? What happens if 2000 people make 5 items each? What if they each made 6 items instead of the 5 they originally said they would do?

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