09 January 2007

Games for Skip Counting

These are gross motor games to practice some of the skip count sequences. I didn't invent these -- someone else posted them years and years ago, and our family tried and enjoyed them. Every once in a while the subject comes up on a message board and I endeavor to find my old printout or notes or posts from other message boards. I'm putting it here in my blog so I can more easily point to it when I want to tell people about it. I've not kept track of the name of the original writer, and have probably changed them somewhat from their original form anyway.

Walking skip counting

Typically you take this stuff up to a pre selected target number, then backwards to one. The backwards part can get pretty hilarious, as trying to count backwards, remember your skip counting and also doing the correct steps can be a challenge for most ages.

2s: Your’e going to march single file or 2-by-2. Everyone starts on the same foot. You count the steps, whispering the odd numbers and shouting out and stomping the evens. So, step left/whisper “one”, stomp right/shout “two”; left/”whisper”three”, right/shout”four”, etc. all the way up to whatever number you choose (2 times 12 -- 24 -- is nice) then back down to 1.

3s: Simple version would be to step-step-LEAP while counting the steps. So, right-1, left-2, big huge step or jump-3.

OR (lots of fun, but more complex -- crosses the midline!) use a long line on the floor (the original suggestion used a curb on a street, but obviously that’s not going to work in a house). All of the multiples of 3 will be stepped to the LEFT of this line, all of the rest of the numbers will be stepped to the right of the line (but sometimes it will be the right foot stepping to the left, and sometimes it will be the left foot stepping to the left!) (Trust me, it’s really fun.) Stand to the right of the line, single file. Step left-one , right-2, now cross left foot over to step to the left of the line while counting 3, then back over to the right side of the line for right-4, left- 5, now cross over to the left side of the line again for right-6 (in other words you’re crossing your right leg in front of your left), then back to the right for left-7, right-8, left foot steps to the left of line for left-9, etc. etc. all the way up to your target number (perhaps 3 time 12 -- 36) and then back down to 1.

4s: Can revisit the 2s, but whisper all the numbers that aren’t 4s (so every other even will be whispered).

OR, step left-1, right-2, left-3, then step BACK on right while shouting 4; left-5, right-6, left-7, then step BACK on right while shouting 8; etc. up to target number and back down to 1. Either of these could be walked in columns of 4 across to add to the 4ness of the experience.

Bean bags

You’ll be using one beanbag per person. Beanbags are handed to the person next to you on the skip count number (that is, if you’re doing 2s you’ll be handing a beanbag to someone else on every multiple of 2). As the beanbags are handed from one person to the next, it is the respoinsibility of the “giver” to make sure the “receiver” gets it safely and securely. Each person is both “giver” and “receiver”, but this rule helps establish that we don’t carelessly hurl them at the next person while concentrating on getting our next beanbag. At home we generally do these seated on the floor, which cuts down on the height issues as well as the general rowdiness.

Remember to count backwards for each sequence, too.

If you don’t have enough beanbags, how about Beanie Babies?

2s: The beanbags are going to steadily journey around the circle to the right. Start with beanbag in your left hand. Whisper “one” as you transfer it to your right hand. Say “two” loudly while handing it into the left hand of the person to your right (at the same time, the person to your left will be placing a beanbag in your left hand). Now everyone again has a bag in their left hand.

By the way, it’s possible for 2 people to do this (or any of these beanbag sequences) facing each other. On “two” each would cross over to place in the partner’s left hand.

3s: The beanbags are going to move back and forth. Start with beanbag in your left hand. On “one” transfer to your right hand. On “two” transfer back to your left hand. On “three” hand into the right hand of the person to your left, while receiving into your right hand. Now everyone has a bag in their right hand. On “four” transfer to your left hand. On “five” transfer to your right hand. On “six” hand to person on your right while receiving your original beanbag into your left hand. Now you’re back where you started, ready to repeat the sequence with 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12.

5s: Start with beanbag in your right hand. On “one” touch your left knee with beanbag, on “two” touch your right knee, “three” touch your left shoulder, “four” touch your right shoulder, “five” hand to person on your right. Now you have a beanbag in your left hand. You’re going to mirror what you did before: on “six” touch your right knee, “seven” touch your left knee, “eight” touch your right shoulder, “nine” touch your left shoulder, “ten” hand to the person on your left.

6s: Variation of 5s -- with beanbag in right hand touch left knee-1, right knee-2, left shoulder-3, right shoulder-4, transfer to your left hand-5, hand to person on your left-6. The beanbag is in your right hand, so simply repeat sequence.

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