04 August 2007

In Which I Discover I Have the Coolest Sockapalooza Pal Ever

I am up to my eyeballs in life right now. As a matter of fact, those eyeballs are starting to leak tears at random intervals due to sheer stress.

And I totally forgot to expect a sock package anytime soon.

And it came today and it is so cool beyond words. But no pics, because I have no time to mess with iPhoto and Blogger (they often don't like to play nicely together). You'll just have to trust me that the socks are perfect. Quote from Kid1: "I want socks exactly like that for Christmas." Hmmm, her feet are about the same size as mine, so I'm going to have to keep on eye on her to make sure these don't disappear from my sock drawer.

Pictures of the coolness will appear in a few days when (please oh please let it finally happen) I get a break.

But for now, just know that I am loving these new socks and soap and memo pad (which Kid2 is trying to claim) and chips and note about Irish dance! (the kids don't do the team dances, you're right).

Gotta go deal with ... stuff. But with a little bounce back in my step now!


Taoknitter said...

So you knit and sew and go to feiseanna...nice to "meet" you!

IrishGirlieKnits said...

Yippee!!! I'm so glad they arrived!! And that you like them :) Now I can stop lurking around the blog too!! Hope you have a fabulous weekend!!