30 March 2006

News Flash! Homeschool mom blows off most of day , and world does not come to screaming halt without her there to run things!

A few days ago one of those incredible events happened to me -- the sort we all dream about. A trusted adult phoned and said, "Hey, I'm free this week. How about if I look after the kids one afternoon while you go get some stuff done?"

Wow. I blurted out something about going to shop for an Easter dress. This was sort of stupid, because then I was pretty much commited to that course of action. I hate shopping. Then again, I had already thrown away my old Easter dress, which was about 15 years old and long past its prime, so shopping was a necessary evil.

So, I spent yesterday afternoon slogging around in clothing shops. I saw so many tops that looked like photos from Knitty and MagKnits; I kept thinking, "hey, I could make that!" A woman tried to sell me a shawl. Hah. I ended up with a dress that would look better with some sort of little crocheted or knitted jacket ... hmmm.

In the meantime, the kids and Trusted Adult went on a nature walk, then did some art about it. Next, they went to the Butterfly House. Art! Science! Phys Ed! A field trip! An entire afternoon of homeschooling, and I wasn't even there!

Now I'm back in charge today, and so far we have accomplished ... let's see ... pretty much nothing homeschool-ish. Oh, we've run some errands which involved waiting in long lines (sort of a school-ish thing to do). Right now the kids are outside doing ... stuff. Outside stuff. Undirected outside stuff. I think ... I think it might be time to declare the rest of this week "Spring Break".


Brewer said...

How totally cool! I'm suffering the curse of moving too much. We've lived here for about 6mo and know no one. The Family all lives about 7-8hrs away, so no afternoon to myself there. If we don't find a new car soon, I may have to go postal ;) I'm so desperate to get away that I'll even take the kids :) I'm so silly that I'm counting the days till the big fiber fest in the fall here. FIber fiber everywhere! I can't wait

Whach-ya gonna crochet or knit to go with your dress? There is a new Interweave Knits Crochet magazine out now ( http://www.interweavecrochet.com/default.asp ). there are some pretty things in there. Good luck!

Brewer said...

Canada/USA UK/Australia/Europe
sl st - slip stitch sl st - slip stitch
sc - single crochet dc - double crochet
dc- double crochet tr - treble crochet
tr - triple crochet dtr or dbl tr - double treble

I found this chart to use to "translate" :) but I'm not sure it is entirely accurate. I think our slip stitch is their single crochet. I'll keep looking.

OK, I like this chart here better
I've never used a british pattern. Good luck!

Kirsten said...

What part of MO or IL do you live in? I'd love to have a show at Fontbonne, or something at the Craft Alliance in St. Louis. I need to start dropping some images and hints.